ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Heuristic routing

Heuristic routing is when we use some simple rules or tricks to decide which way to go when trying to get from one place to another. Imagine you are trying to get to your friend's house, but you don't know the way. You might ask your mom or dad for directions, and they might give you some rules to follow, like "turn left at the big red mailbox" or "go straight until you see a big blue house." These rules are examples of heuristics.

In computer networks, heuristic routing is when a computer program is designed to figure out the best way to send information from one computer to another. Just like you might use heuristics to find your way to your friend's house, the computer program uses heuristics to decide which paths will work best for sending data. These heuristics might include things like "send data through the fastest connection" or "avoid routes that are already congested with traffic."

Overall, heuristic routing helps computers and people figure out how to get from one place to another quickly and efficiently, even when we don't know all the details about the path we need to take.