ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hierarchy of the Catholic Church

Think of the Catholic Church like a big castle with lots of different people living inside. At the very top of the castle is the Pope. He's like the king or the boss of the whole castle.

Below the Pope, there are different groups of people who help him run the castle. The first group is the Cardinals. They are like the important advisors to the Pope. They help him make decisions about how to run the castle and how to help the people who live there.

Next, there are the Bishops. They are like the managers of different parts of the castle. They each have their own area to oversee and take care of.

Underneath the Bishops are the Priests. They are like the helpers who live and work in each part of the castle. They make sure everything runs smoothly and that the people who live there are cared for.

So, to sum it up, the hierarchy of the Catholic Church is like a castle with the Pope at the top, followed by the Cardinals who advise him, then the Bishops who oversee different areas, and finally the Priests who work directly with the people who live in the castle.