ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

High-speed photography

High-speed photography is like taking pictures, but super fast! Imagine you have a toy car and you want to take a picture of it moving really quickly. Normal cameras might blur the picture because the car is moving faster than the camera can capture it.

But, with high-speed photography, the camera takes a lot of pictures in a very short amount of time, so you don't miss anything. It's like taking a bunch of pictures really fast and then putting them all together to show what happened in slow motion.

This kind of photography is used to capture things that happen too quickly for us to see with our eyes, like a balloon popping or a drop of water hitting the ground. It's also used in scientific experiments to study things like how birds fly, how bullets move through the air, or how insects move their wings.

People use special cameras and equipment to do high-speed photography, and they have to be really patient and careful to get the perfect shot. The results can be really cool and help us understand things that we might not have been able to see before!