ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Higher education in Ukraine

Higher education in Ukraine is like going to a special school after finishing high school. In this school, the teachers will teach you advanced subjects that will help you become an expert in your chosen field.

First, you need to decide what you want to study, like math, science, art, or languages. Then, you need to apply to a university that offers programs in the subjects you like.

If you get accepted, you will need to attend classes, do homework, and take exams, just like in high school. However, the subjects and the level of difficulty are more advanced. Teachers will expect you to ask questions if you don't understand something, and they will help you learn more about the subject.

You will also need to pass a final exam after finishing your studies called a diploma. This exam shows that you know everything you should know to be an expert in your field. Once you pass, you will receive a diploma that proves you graduated from university.

After that, you can find a job in your field or continue your education and get a master's degree or a Ph.D. This will make you even more of an expert and may lead to more job opportunities and a higher salary.