ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hiking (sailing)

Hiking is like when you are walking outside, but instead of just going on a regular walk, you are going up and down hills and mountains. So, it's like playing on a big playground that is nature.

Sailing is when you go on a big boat that has a way to catch the wind with a big piece of fabric called a sail. The sail helps the boat move and go in the direction you want it to.

Hiking and sailing can also go together sometimes! When you are sailing, the boat can lean over to one side because of the wind. This is called heeling. Hiking in sailing is when you lean to the side of the boat that is tilted over so that the weight of your body helps to balance the boat and keep it from tipping over. It's kind of like when you are on a see-saw with a friend and you have to move up and down to keep it balanced.

So, hiking while sailing is like going on a big playground in the water where you have to lean over to one side to help the boat stay balanced!