ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hilbert's sixth problem

Hilbert's sixth problem is like a puzzle that asks if we can use math to understand and classify all the different kinds of geometric objects in 3D space.

Imagine you have a bunch of toys like balls, cubes, and pyramids. We can use math to describe each toy's features like their sides, corners, and angles. We could even make a list of all the different kinds of toys we have and how they are similar or different.

Now, in 3D space, there are infinitely many different shapes and objects that we could try to describe and classify. Hilbert's question was whether we could use math to find a comprehensive way of describing and categorizing all of these objects.

Mathematicians have been working on this puzzle for over a hundred years, and while they have made progress, there is still much to be explored and discovered. The question remains a challenging and active area of research in mathematics today.
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