ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hindu Renaissance

Imagine you have different toys that you like to play with. Some toys you love playing with all the time, but then there are some toys that you forget about and leave at the bottom of your toy box. That's what happened with Hinduism – people forgot about it and didn't pay much attention to it for a while.

But then, something happened – people remembered how much they loved playing with that old toy, and they wanted to explore it and learn more about it again. That's called a renaissance, which just means a rebirth or revival of something. In this case, it's a Hindu renaissance.

During the Hindu renaissance, people started studying and celebrating Hindu beliefs, traditions, and culture again. They started building temples, writing books, and teaching others about their religion. They also started exploring new ideas, like using technology to spread their message and connecting with Hindus all over the world.

Overall, the Hindu renaissance was about people rediscovering their love for Hinduism and sharing it with others in new and exciting ways.