ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hipster (contemporary subculture)

So, you know how there are different types of people in the world? Like some people like to dress a certain way, listen to certain music, and have certain interests? Well, there is a group of people who are called hipsters.

Hipsters are a type of subculture, which means a group of people who share similar interests, clothes, and behaviors. But, what makes hipsters different from other subcultures is that they like to be different and unique. They don't like to follow the crowd and tend to do things a little bit differently than other people.

The way hipsters dress is unique too. They often wear vintage clothes, thick-rimmed glasses, and scarves even when it is not cold outside. They like to wear things that are not commonly found in stores, and they often shop at thrift stores and second-hand shops. They may also wear clothing that is considered nerdy or geeky, like bow ties or suspenders.

Hipsters listen to music that is not commonly heard on the radio or played at parties. They like to listen to indie music, which is music that is not produced by big record companies. They also like to listen to music that is old, like jazz or blues.

Hipsters are also interested in things that are not considered popular, like art house films, organic food, and obscure books. They like to be informed about the world around them and often participate in activism and volunteer work.

Overall, hipsters are a subculture of people who like to be unique and march to the beat of their own drum. They do not want to follow popular trends and prefer to find their own way in the world.