ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

His Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition

Okay, so imagine you're playing a game with your friends. In this game, one person is the leader and makes all the rules. But sometimes you might not like those rules, or you might think the leader is making a bad decision. So what do you do? You become the opposition.

The opposition is a group of people who have different ideas than the people in charge. They want to make changes or do things differently. In some countries, like England, the opposition is also known as "his majesty's most loyal opposition." This means they are loyal to the king or queen, but they also want to make sure the country is doing what is best for everyone.

The opposition often has its own leader, who speaks for the group and tries to convince others that their ideas are better. They might disagree with the people in charge on things like taxes, laws, or how to handle problems in the country.

But even though the opposition and the people in charge might not always agree, they both want what is best for the country. That's why they are both loyal to the king or queen. And in the end, they work together to make sure that the country is happy and safe for everyone.