ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Histone methyltransferase

So kiddo, we have something called DNA in our body, which is like a code of instructions that tells our body what to do. But in order for the code to work properly, it needs to be packaged up neatly.

Think of it like a present – if all the wrapping paper and ribbons are in a jumbled mess, it's hard to find what you need. But if it's wrapped nicely, it's easy to pick out what you want.

Now histone methyltransferase is like a special helper that helps pack up the DNA neatly. It adds a little extra tag (called a methyl group) to a specific part of the packaging material called histones. This tag helps other proteins to find the right spot on the DNA and read the instructions they need to follow.

So basically, histone methyltransferase makes sure everything is wrapped up properly and easy to use, like a nice present that's easy to open and play with.