ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of Christianity in Denmark

Well hello there, young one! Let's take a journey to learn about the history of Christianity in Denmark!

A long, long time ago, when the Vikings ruled Denmark, they did not practice Christianity. They had their own gods and beliefs. But in the 10th century, a king named Harald Bluetooth became interested in this new religion that was spreading throughout Europe called Christianity. He decided to convert to Christianity and encouraged his people to do the same.

So, Christianity slowly started to spread throughout Denmark, and churches were built. However, not everyone was happy about this new religion. Some people still wanted to worship their old gods and beliefs.

Despite this, Christianity continued to grow in Denmark. In the 16th century, a man named Martin Luther led the Protestant Reformation, which was a movement to reform the Catholic Church. Denmark became a Protestant country and the king at the time, Christian III, made Lutheranism the official religion of Denmark.

Over time, Christianity has become a big part of Danish culture and tradition. Many people still practice Christianity in Denmark today, and it is a major religion in the country.

And there you have it, little one, the history of Christianity in Denmark!