ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of Eastern role-playing video games

Okay kiddo, do you know what a video game is?

It's like a pretend world that you can play in on your TV or computer.

Well, a long time ago, people in Japan and other Eastern countries started making video games that were different than the ones in Western countries (like America and Europe).

These games were called role-playing games, or RPGs for short. In these games, you get to pretend to be a character in a story and make choices that affect what happens next.

One of the first RPGs was called Dragon Quest. It was made in Japan in 1986 and became really popular.

Then, another RPG called Final Fantasy came out in 1987 and it was even more popular. It had cool graphics and music, and the story was really exciting.

After that, lots of other companies in Japan and other Eastern countries started making their own RPGs. Some of them were about magic and swords, and some were about futuristic worlds with spaceships and robots.

These games were really fun to play and they became more and more popular all over the world. And that's the history of Eastern role-playing video games, in a nutshell!