ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of Ireland (1801–1923)

So, a long time ago in Ireland, there were a lot of people who had different ideas about how to run the country. Some people thought that it should be governed by the British government, and others thought that the people of Ireland should make their own decisions.

In 1801, the British government decided to take control and passed a law called the Act of Union. This meant that Ireland was officially part of the United Kingdom, and it was governed by the same British parliament as England, Scotland, and Wales.

For many years, there were a lot of problems in Ireland. The British government controlled everything, and the Irish people didn't have much say in what happened in their own country. They also faced discrimination and were treated unfairly.

In the early 1900s, a group called the Irish Republican Army (IRA) was formed. They wanted Ireland to be free from British rule, and they used violence to try to achieve their goal. There were many clashes between the IRA and the British army, and it was a very difficult and dangerous time for the people of Ireland.

In 1921, the British government agreed to give Ireland partial independence, but not all of it. The south of Ireland became a separate country called the Irish Free State, but the north remained part of the United Kingdom.

The situation in Northern Ireland continued to be difficult, with many tensions between the Catholic and Protestant communities. There were many violent clashes, and it wasn't until the late 1990s that a peace agreement was finally reached.

So, in summary, Ireland was controlled by the British government from 1801 to 1921. There were many problems and conflicts during this time, and it wasn't until 1921 that Ireland gained partial independence. The history of Ireland during this period is complex and difficult, but it has shaped the country and its people in many ways.