ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of Istria

Istria is a place that lots of people live in now, and lots of people have lived in for a very long time. It's a bit like a cake that lots of people want to take a slice of.

A long time ago, the Romans really wanted a slice of Istria's cake. They said "this is our cake now!" and made a big city called Pula. For a while, Istria was part of the Roman Empire.

After that, lots of different people came and took a slice of the cake. Some people called the Goths, Slavs, Franks, and Venetians all said "we want some!" so they took turns living in Istria.

Later on, Istria became part of a big country called Austria-Hungary. Lots of people spoke different languages, like Croatian and Italian.

Then, in the early 1900s, things got really busy. Lots of different countries all wanted a slice of Istria's cake. At one point, it even became part of Yugoslavia.

Today, Istria is part of Croatia. There are lots of different people who live there and they all speak different languages. But they all love the cake - and they all want to keep it.