ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of Norway

Norway is a really cool place with a really cool history!

A long time ago, before there were cars or even electricity, there were people in Norway. These people were called Vikings and they were known for being really strong and brave warriors. They sailed all over the world on big boats called longships and traded with other places.

One really famous Viking was named Leif Erikson. He sailed all the way to America way before Christopher Columbus did! He was a really brave and adventurous person.

After the Vikings, Norway became more like other countries. There were kings and queens and lots of different people living there. They had wars with other countries, but also made friends with them.

Norway was part of a bigger country called Denmark for a long time, but then in 1905 they became their own country again. Norway is now a really nice place with beautiful mountains and fjords (which are like big valleys with water in them).

People in Norway speak Norwegian and they eat lots of yummy fish like salmon and cod. They also love skiing and being outside in the snow. Norway is really cool!