Russia is a very old country. Its history goes back over 1000 years! Its earliest rulers were called Grand Princes and they were responsible for leading the country. Over time, the Grand Princes became more powerful and united the different regions of Russia so that it was one big country. Eventually, a tsar or czar took control of Russia and began ruling as an absolute monarch. During this time, the government was very powerful and there were many different laws and rules people had to follow.
During the 1700s and 1800s, Russians fought many wars with other countries, and their government was often changed during this time. They also experienced a period of industrialization which made the country stronger and wealthier. After the Russian Revolution of 1917, the country became a communist state. This meant that everyone should have equal rights and opportunities, although there were still some rich people who had a lot of power.
Today, Russia is a much different country than it was in the past. It is now a democracy and people have a lot of freedom. They also have a strong economy and are very advanced in their technology. Despite this, Russia still has a long and complicated history that people study to this day.