ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of Thrace

Hey kiddo! Today, we're going to learn about the history of Thrace. Thrace is a place that was located in southeastern Europe, which means it's far, far away from where we live.

Thrace is actually an ancient place, it was inhabited by people called Thracians (just like how we're called Americans). These Thracians were remarkable horsemen and warriors. They were also known to have their own unique way of life, culture, and beliefs.

Long ago, Thrace was ruled by the Persians, who were powerful and famous for their army led by King Xerxes. Then, another group called the Greeks, came and fought with the Persians to take control of Thrace. Later, the Romans also took over and moved into Thrace, but they were not so good to the Thracians, so they rebelled against them many times.

Once Thrace became a Roman province, it was home to many people from different places, like Greece, Italy, and Eastern Europe. During this time, many structures and important buildings were built in Thrace, like amphitheaters and aqueducts. Thrace also became known for its wine and olives, which are still popular today.

Nowadays, Thrace is split between three modern countries, Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey. It still has a unique culture and language, influenced by centuries of different people living there. People still visit Thrace to see its ancient ruins and learn about its heritage.

There you have it! The history of Thrace, a land of warriors, cultural diversity, and great food.