ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of cycling infrastructure

Okay kiddo, let's talk about cycling infrastructure. When people first started riding bicycles a loooong time ago, they mainly rode on regular roads alongside other people who were using horses and wagons.

But as more and more people started riding bikes in big cities, it became kind of dangerous because cars and trucks weren't really a thing yet and people on foot and on bikes were all trying to use the same space.

So, some places started to make special paths just for people on bikes. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, some cities in Europe made bike lanes on some roads that were separated from where cars and horses were going.

Fast forward to the 1970s and a lot more people had cars and cities got really crowded. That's when more people started to think about building more bike paths and bike-only paths. These paths were safer and more convenient for people to use.

Nowadays, lots and lots of cities have bike lanes, sidewalks that are just for bikes, and whole bike-only paths that go through parks and other places. This makes it easier and safer for people to ride bikes and get around without having to worry about cars and trucks getting in the way.