ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of education in the United States

Education in the United States started long ago when Europeans first arrived. They brought with them their own educational philosophies, like teaching Biblical studies and having children memorize things. Over time, more and more people began to move to the United States and the idea of education started to change.

Back then, schools were mostly private and wealthy people could afford to pay for their children's education. Poorer families had to rely on other ways of teaching their children, like apprenticing them to craftsmen or having them help out at their family's business.

Eventually, the government saw the need for public education, and in 1848 in Massachusetts, the first public school was established. This was an important step because it meant that everyone, regardless of their wealth, could get an education.

In the years that followed, the education system in the United States grew. More public schools were created and higher education became available. Eventually, even elementary and high school education was made free for everyone. Today, education in the United States is much more advanced, with a variety of educational levels available to all citizens.