ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of public library advocacy

Okay, let’s imagine you and I are sitting on a cozy couch with a few picture books in our hands. Libraries are just like our living room, but much, much bigger. They have countless books, fun movies, interesting magazines, and fascinating newspapers to explore. Libraries are places where we can learn and discover new things by reading and watching.

But libraries did not appear out of nowhere; someone had to think up the idea and take the time to make them a reality. That’s where public library advocacy comes in. Advocacy is a fancy word that means speaking up for something you think is important. Advocating for something means using your voice to tell others how wonderful it is and why it’s necessary.

The public library advocacy story starts a long time ago when people started to write books. A few books here and there soon turned into piles, and piles of books became a library! Libraries helped people know what was going on in the world and allowed them to learn new things. People who couldn’t afford to buy their own books could go to the library and borrow as many as they wanted.

But libraries did not always have a lot of money to buy books and pay for all the things it takes to run a library. That’s when people who loved libraries started advocating for them. They spoke up and told others how important libraries were. They made posters, talked to politicians (the people who make the rules about money and laws), and wrote letters to the newspaper. They shared all the good things about libraries and why everyone should get to visit them.

Public library advocacy is still happening today! People are constantly talking about libraries, why they are important, and why we should keep them around. Modern libraries also have programs that help people learn to read, find jobs, and do research projects. All of these amazing opportunities are possible because of public library advocacy, so next time you go to the library, remember to thank all the people who worked hard to make it possible for you!