ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of the Jews in Besançon

Ok kiddo, so let's talk about the history of Jewish people in Besançon. Besançon is a city in France that has been around for a really long time, even before your grandparents were born. At first, there were not many Jewish people living there, but as time went on, more and more Jewish people came to live in Besançon.

However, life was not always easy for Jewish people in Besançon. A long time ago, in the 14th century, a really mean and scary group of people called the Black Death came and killed a lot of people in Besançon, including some Jewish people. It was a really tough time and made life very difficult for those who survived.

Years later, in the 16th century, a new group of people called the Protestants came to power in France and they did not like Jewish people very much. They thought that Jewish people were different and didn't belong in France. These Protestants made laws that made it really hard for Jewish people to live in Besançon and other cities in France.

But, in the 18th century, something amazing happened. A really smart and wonderful man named Moses Mendelssohn came along and helped to change the way people thought about Jewish people. He believed that Jewish people should be allowed to live and work in France just like everyone else. This was a really important moment in the history of Jewish people in Besançon and all over France.

Today, there are still Jewish people living in Besançon, and they are a valued part of the community. They have their own synagogues to worship in and celebrate important holidays like Hanukkah and Passover. And best of all, they are now treated with the respect and kindness that they deserve, thanks to the lessons learned from the past.