ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of the Soviet Union (1927–1953)

Okay, so there was a really big country called the Soviet Union that was formed in 1922. It was ruled by a group of people called communists who believed that everyone should share things equally and no one should be richer or more powerful than anyone else.

The leader of the Soviet Union at that time was a man named Joseph Stalin. He was very powerful and did whatever he could to make sure the people of the Soviet Union followed his ideas. He also wanted the Soviet Union to become a really strong and powerful country, so he made lots of big changes.

One of the changes he made was called industrialization. This means that he wanted the Soviet Union to make a lot of things and become more modern, like other important countries around the world. He also wanted the Soviet Union to become better at farming, so he made a law that said farms had to be owned by the government instead of individual people. This caused a lot of problems and many people were unhappy.

Stalin didn't like anyone who disagreed with him or went against his ideas, so he made sure they were punished. He sent people to prison camps and made sure his secret police, called the NKVD, kept an eye on everyone. People were afraid to say anything against him because they were scared of what might happen to them.

In the 1930s, Stalin started a campaign called the Great Purge. He wanted to get rid of anyone who he thought might be against him or not following his ideas. This led to the arrest and execution of many people, including some of Stalin's top officials.

During this time, the Soviet Union also became involved in World War II. They fought against Germany and were eventually able to defeat them. This helped make the Soviet Union a more respected country around the world.

Unfortunately, after the war, Stalin continued with his oppressive rule. He became more paranoid and many innocent people were sent to prison or executed.

In 1953, Stalin died and a new leader took over the Soviet Union. However, the effects of Stalin's rule remained for many years and had a big impact on the Soviet Union and its people.