ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hiyang Hiren

Okay kiddo, so Hiyang Hiren is actually two separate words that come from different languages. "Hiyang" is a word from the Filipino language and it means "matched" or "suited". "Hiren" on the other hand is a Sanskrit name which means "diamond".

Now when we put these two words together, we get the phrase "Hiyang Hiren" which could be understood as something that is perfectly matched or suited like a diamond.

So let's say you have a friend who loves playing basketball. If you give him a basketball as a gift, we can say that the basketball is "hiyang hiren" to your friend because it is a perfect match for his interests and hobby.

It's kind of like when we find a toy or a game that we really really like, and it just feels like it's meant for us. That's what "hiyang hiren" means - something that fits us perfectly, like a diamond in a ring!