ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hochstratus Ovans

Hochstratus ovans is a type of cloud that you can see in the sky. The name might sound a bit scary, but it's just a fancy name for a big, fluffy white cloud that looks like a blanket covering the sky.

Think of it like a huge cotton ball that floats in the air. These clouds are formed when warm and cold air meet and mix together. The warm air rises up and cools down, turning into tiny droplets of water that cling together to form a cloud.

Hochstratus ovans clouds are found high up in the sky, usually around 6 to 20 kilometers (4 to 12 miles) high. They are usually seen on calm days and don't bring any rain or storms with them. They are actually a sign of good weather!

So the next time you look up at the sky and see a big, fluffy cloud, you might just be looking at a hochstratus ovans cloud!