ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hofbauer cell

Okay kiddo, so you know how our bodies have these little guys called cells that help us do things like move or feel things? Well, there's a type of cell that's really important for a growing baby in their mommy's tummy called a Hofbauer cell.

You see, Hofbauer cells live in a part of the placenta, which is like a little pillow that helps the baby grow and get nutrients from the mommy. These cells are kind of like a mommy's little helpers because they help protect the baby from germs and anything else that might hurt them.

Sometimes, if the mommy gets sick, the Hofbauer cells work really hard to protect the baby even more. They can grow bigger and make more babies, which are called HBCs. These HBCs can help keep the baby healthy even after they're born.

So, basically, Hofbauer cells are special cells that live in the placenta and help protect growing babies from yucky things. They're like a mommy's little helper cells that work really hard to keep babies safe and healthy.