ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Holocene glacial retreat

Imagine the Earth is covered in a big, thick blanket of ice - like a giant snowball. This happened a very long time ago, during a period known as the last ice age. But since then, things have slowly been warming up.

Over time, the ice has been slowly melting away. This process is called glacial retreat. It's like when you eat a popsicle and it starts to melt in your hand. Except instead of a little bit of water, it's a lot of ice melting.

Scientists have been studying the retreat of the glaciers during the Holocene period, which is the time we're currently living in. They've discovered that as the Earth has been getting warmer, the glaciers have been retreating more and more.

This is a problem because the glaciers play an important role in maintaining the Earth's climate. They reflect sunlight back into space, which helps to keep the planet cool. But as they shrink, more sunlight is absorbed by the Earth, leading to even more warming.

Overall, scientists are concerned about the continued retreat of the glaciers and the impact it could have on our planet.