ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Holy orders in the Catholic Church

When a grown-up Catholic man decides that he wants to be very close to God and wants to help others become closer to God too, he might choose to become a special type of leader in the Catholic Church called a "holy order."

Being part of a holy order is a big commitment, kind of like when you promise to be someone's best friend forever. The man who is becoming part of a holy order has to study a lot and learn about God and Jesus and how to help other people find their way to faith.

The different types of holy orders are:

- Deacon: This is the first level of holy orders. Deacons can help with some parts of the Mass and can perform baptisms and other ceremonies.

- Priest: Priests have studied for many years and can do even more things, like perform the Holy Eucharist (when the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus) and hear people's confessions.

- Bishop: Bishops are like the bosses of the priests and deacons in a certain area. They can also do special things like ordaining (officially making into a priest) other men.

- Pope: The Pope is the leader of the whole Catholic Church all around the world.

When a man becomes part of a holy order, he promises to live a certain way of life, like not getting married and dedicating his whole life to serving God and others. He wears special clothes called vestments when he performs ceremonies, like a superhero wears a costume.

Overall, being part of a holy order is a very important and special way to serve God and the Catholic Church, and it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to become one!