ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment

Okay, so there's this TV show called The Simpsons, and it's about a family who live in a town called Springfield. The show is a cartoon and the characters are all drawn. The family is made up of a mom named Marge, a dad named Homer, and their kids named Bart, Lisa, and Maggie.

In one episode, Lisa finds out about something called the 8th Commandment. This is a rule that says you are not supposed to steal things that do not belong to you. It's one of ten rules that people believe were given to them by God a very long time ago.

Well, Lisa takes this rule very seriously and she starts getting upset because she thinks that her dad, Homer, is breaking it. You see, Homer had just gotten a new cable TV system, but instead of paying for it, he had a guy come and install it for free. Lisa thinks this is stealing.

Homer, on the other hand, does not see it that way. He thinks that it's okay to get something for free if you can. He doesn't think that it's really stealing.

This is where Lisa and Homer start to argue. Lisa thinks that her dad is doing something wrong by not paying for the cable TV system. Homer thinks that he is not doing anything wrong because he didn't take anything that belonged to someone else.

In the end, Lisa and Homer are able to talk it out and come to a compromise. Homer agrees to pay for the cable TV system, and Lisa is happy because she thinks that her dad is following the 8th Commandment. It's a happy ending for everyone!