Homo sapiens is a fancy name for the type of human beings that we are. It means "wise man" in Latin. Remember when you were a baby and couldn't talk, crawl or walk? Well, humans have been around for a long time, more than a million years in fact, and we didn't always look and act the way we do now.
Our ancestors started out being very different from us. They were hairy and walked on all fours like apes. They learned to stand on two legs over a long period of time and slowly evolved to be more like us. They also learned how to make tools, use fire and communicate with each other. They lived in groups, hunted and gathered food together.
As time went on, humans began to spread across the world, adapting to different environments and creating different cultures. Some people have lighter skin, hair and eyes because they live in places with less sunlight. Others have darker skin and hair because they live in places with more sunlight. These differences over generations happened because of evolution.
We have big brains that help us think, learn, create art and music, and build amazing things. We can also communicate in many ways - through words, body language and even technology. We have emotions and can love, laugh and cry.
Today, humans continue to evolve and learn new things about the world around us. We still live in groups, work together and hopefully, try to be kind to one another. And that's what being a Homo sapien is all about.