ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hong Kong Link

Hong Kong is a special place in China where people are allowed more freedoms and rights than in other parts of China. It used to be a British colony, which means it was ruled by Britain instead of China. But in 1997, Hong Kong was given back to China under a special agreement called "One Country, Two Systems". This agreement says that Hong Kong will be a part of China, but it will have its own government and be allowed to keep some of its unique rules and ways of doing things. Recently, China has been trying to pass a law that would allow people to be taken from Hong Kong and put on trial in mainland China, which has made many people in Hong Kong very upset and worried that their rights and freedoms might be taken away. This is the "Hong Kong link" people are talking about - it is a way for Hong Kong to be connected to China while also preserving its own way of life.