ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hong Kong Way

Hong Kong Way is like when you and all your friends hold hands to make a really long line. But instead of just your friends, it's a lot of people who live in Hong Kong. They all join hands to make a line that goes through the streets of their city.

They do this to show that they all want the same thing – to be able to make their own choices and have their own freedom. They want to be able to speak their minds without getting in trouble, and to choose their own leaders.

The Hong Kong Way is a way for them to say to the people who make the big decisions in their city and country that they want to be heard. They hope that by joining together and making a big line, they will get their message across loud and clear.

So, Hong Kong Way is a peaceful way for people to show that they want to have more say in how their city is run. It's a way for them to come together and use their voices to make a difference.