ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Horrorcore is a type of music that sounds scary and talks about scary stuff. Imagine it like watching a scary movie, but in the form of a song. It's like when people tell spooky stories around a campfire.

Horrorcore rappers dress up like scary creatures, often with masks or facepaint, and use creepy beats and sounds to create a scary atmosphere. They talk about things like killing and violence, ghosts and monsters, and other scary things that might give you goosebumps. It's not for everyone, but some people really like listening to it and getting scared.

Sometimes, people worry that horrorcore might encourage violence or other bad behavior. But, like watching a horror movie, it's just for fun and entertainment, and most people know the difference between reality and fantasy. It's important to only listen to it if you're okay with being scared and can handle things that might be a little bit unsettling.