ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Horse breeding

Horse breeding is when two horses, a mom horse called a mare and a dad horse called a stallion, get together to create a baby horse called a foal. The mom horse carries the foal in her tummy for about 11 months before it is born.

When choosing which horses to breed, people usually look for horses with good genes, or traits that are important for certain activities. For example, some horses have genes that make them great at running really fast, while others are good at jumping high over fences.

Sometimes people use a process called artificial insemination, where they take the sperm from the dad horse and put it into the tummy of the mom horse so she can get pregnant without actually having to be in the same place as the dad horse.

Once the foal is born, it needs to be taken care of really well so it can grow up to be a strong, healthy horse. The mom horse usually feeds the foal with milk, and the people who take care of the horses make sure it gets plenty of food, water, and exercise.

Overall, horse breeding is a big responsibility and takes a lot of care to make sure the foal grows up healthy and strong.