ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Horseboating Society

A horseboating society is a group of people who love horses and boats! They think it's really fun to put a horse on a boat and have it pull the boat along the water.

First, they put a horse in a harness, which is like a special outfit that helps the horse pull the boat. Then they attach ropes to the harness and tie those ropes to the boat.

Next, the horse starts walking along the path next to the water while pulling the boat behind them. The boat moves along the water because the horse is strong enough to pull it along.

People in the horseboating society like doing this because it's a fun way to spend time with horses and boats, and it reminds them of how people used to transport goods before big trucks and trains. They also like to dress up in clothes that people used to wear when they did this back in the olden days.

It's important for everyone to be safe while horseboating, so they make sure the horse is well-trained and the boat is in good condition before starting. They also follow rules and regulations to keep everyone safe while enjoying their hobby.