Okay kiddo, so there is a kind of animal called a house mouse that some people might find in their homes. House mice are very small and furry with long tails and tiny ears. They are usually brown or gray in color.
House mice usually like to live in warm and cozy places like inside walls, under floorboards, or in other small hidden spaces. Sometimes they even make their homes in the corners of cabinets or under the sink in the kitchen!
Mice are very sneaky and like to come out at night to look for food. They have sharp teeth and love to nibble on things like bread, cheese, and cookies. They also like to drink water and can get it from anywhere they can find it.
Sometimes, house mice can be a nuisance because they might chew on things like computer cables or furniture. However, they usually just want to be left alone and are not harmful to humans. Some people even keep pet mice as cute and cuddly companions!
It's important to remember to keep your house clean and tidy so that mice won't be attracted to any messes. And if you do see a mouse, it's best to call a pest control professional to safely remove it from your home.