ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Housing Segregation

"Imagine that you are in a big room with lots of other kids. Some kids are wearing red shirts, while other kids are wearing blue shirts. Now, imagine that all the kids wearing red shirts are told to stand on one side of the room, and all the kids wearing blue shirts are told to stand on the other side of the room. This is kind of like what happens with housing segregation.

In some places, like neighborhoods or cities, some people are told that they can only live in certain areas because of their skin color, religion, or where they come from. So, just like the kids in the red shirts, they are all put into one area of town. This is called segregation.

It's not fair, though, because everyone should be able to live wherever they want, no matter what they look like or where they come from. Segregation can cause problems like less access to good schools, parks, or jobs for some people. We all deserve equal opportunities and a fair chance to live in any part of town we want!"