ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5
Examples: teeth, memes, blimps, git, brains

How to Train Your Dragon

So, imagine you have a little baby dragon, and you want to train it to be your friend and help you with stuff.

The first thing you need to do is get to know your dragon. You need to spend time with it, and figure out what it likes and doesn't like. Maybe it likes to eat certain kinds of food, or play with certain toys.

Once you know what your dragon likes, you need to start teaching it some basic things. Like how to fly, or how to breathe fire. You can do this by showing your dragon how to do it, and rewarding it when it does it right.

Now, it's important to remember that dragons are like little kids. They can get bored easily, or get scared if they don't understand something. So, you want to make training fun and interesting for your dragon. You can use games or challenges to help it learn.

As your dragon gets better at things, you can start teaching it more advanced skills. Like how to hunt for food, or how to defend you from other animals.

But training a dragon isn't just about teaching it things. It's also about building a relationship with your dragon. You want your dragon to trust you and feel comfortable around you. So, make sure to spend time with your dragon every day, and show it love and attention.

And that's how you train your dragon!