ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Huginn and Muninn

Huginn and Muninn are two birds from Norse mythology. They belonged to the god Odin, who was the king of all the other gods. Odin was very wise and powerful, but he couldn't be everywhere at once because he was only one person. So, he had these two birds, Huginn and Muninn, to help him out.

Huginn was a black raven, and Muninn was a grey one. They were both very clever and could fly really fast. Odin would send them out to explore the world and bring back news to him. They would fly out in different directions and report back what they saw and heard.

When they returned to Odin, he would ask them questions and they would tell him what they had learned. Huginn and Muninn were a very important part of Odin's plan to stay informed about everything that was happening in the world.

So, in summary, Huginn and Muninn were two birds that belong to the Norse god Odin. They were very clever and could fly really fast. Odin sent them out to explore the world and bring back news to him. They helped him stay informed about everything that was happening in the world.