ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Human aggression

Hello! It’s great to learn about human aggression. Do you know what aggression means? It is when someone wants to hurt or harm another person. It can be done physically, like hitting or pushing, or it can be done verbally, like shouting or saying mean things.

People can be aggressive for many different reasons. Sometimes, they might be feeling upset or frustrated and they take it out on someone else. Other times, they might feel threatened or afraid, and they act aggressively in order to protect themselves.

There are also different types of aggression. Physical aggression is when someone uses their body to hurt or harm another person. Verbal aggression is when someone uses words to hurt or harm another person. And there is also relational aggression, which is when someone tries to hurt another person’s relationships or reputation.

It’s important to know that aggression is not always a bad thing. Sometimes, people need to use aggression to protect themselves or others, like if someone is trying to hurt them. But, it’s never okay to hurt someone else just because you feel angry or upset.

People can learn ways to manage their aggression so that they don’t hurt anyone. This can include things like taking deep breaths, talking about their feelings, or finding other ways to cope with anger and frustration. They can also learn ways to communicate assertively, which means they can express their feelings without being hurtful or aggressive.

Remember, it’s important to always treat others with kindness and respect, even when we are feeling angry or upset.