ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Human intelligence (espionage)

Human intelligence (espionage) is the practice of gathering secret information about other countries, organizations or individuals. It involves using people (spies) to collect this information through observation, conversation, and other means. The job of a spy is to go unnoticed and extract valuable information from their targets.

Spies come in different shapes and sizes, and they often have different reasons for spying. Some spies work as government agents and are officially employed to carry out reconnaissance activities. Others work as commercial spies and gather intelligence to help their companies gain a competitive edge.

Spies have different ways to get information, and the most common method is through communication. Spies may pretend to be friendly with their targets, and by doing so, they gain their confidence and trust. By earning this trust, spies can get their targets to divulge sensitive information without realizing it.

Another popular method of spying is by stealing information. This may involve breaking into an office or computer system to obtain information without being detected. Spies may also recruit other individuals within the target organization to help them obtain the information they need.

In conclusion, human intelligence (espionage) is the practice of gathering secret information through the use of spies. Spies operate in different ways and methods but are all working toward the same goal: to acquire valuable information for their employers.
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