ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Human trafficking in India

Human trafficking in India is when some bad people kidnap other people and force them to work or do bad things they don't want to do. These bad people might trick other people into coming with them and then not let them leave. They might make them do things like farming or sewing clothes for very little money, sometimes even nothing.

Human trafficking in India can happen in many ways. For example, sometimes the bad people will make false promises to people who are poor, like saying they will get a good job in the city or a better life. But when the people get there, things are very different than what was promised.

Unfortunately, women and children are the most common victims in India, but men can also be victims. The bad people might make them work in factories for long hours without pay, or make them do bad things like begging or prostitution.

It's important to know that human trafficking is a very awful crime, and it's illegal. The government and other organizations are working very hard to stop it from happening and to help the people who have been taken. If you suspect someone is being trafficked, tell a grown-up you trust, like a teacher or a police officer, so they can help.