ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Humor styles

Have you ever heard someone say something funny? Maybe a joke or a silly story that made you laugh? That's called "humor". But did you know that there are different "styles" of humor? That's right, different types of jokes and funny things that people say can be put into different categories or styles.

Let's go through each style one by one:

1. "Slapstick" humor is when people do silly physical things that make us laugh. For example, when someone slips on a banana peel or gets hit in the face with a pie.

2. "Sarcasm" humor is when people say things that mean the opposite of what they really think. For example, if you asked someone if they like broccoli and they said "Oh yeah, I just LOVE eating icky green stuff!"

3. "Wit" humor is when people say things that are clever or quick. For example, if someone asks you "What's the difference between a snowman and a snowwoman?" and you say "Snowballs".

4. "Parody" humor is when people make fun of something by copying it in a funny way. For example, if someone made a joke movie trailer that was a funny version of a serious movie.

5. "Pun" humor is when people use words that sound the same but have different meanings. For example, if someone said "I'm reading a book on anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down."

6. "Observational" humor is when people make jokes about everyday things they see around them. For example, if someone made a joke about how people always get in fights over the last piece of pizza.

7. "Satire" humor is when people make fun of things to show how silly or wrong they are. For example, if someone made a funny sketch about how ridiculous it is that people care more about their phones than their relationships.

So there you have it! Humor can come in many different styles. Whether it's physical comedy, clever wordplay, or making fun of things to shed light on important issues, laughs are a great way to brighten up our day.