ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hungarian verbs

Okay, so let's talk about Hungarian verbs! A verb is a word that tells us what someone or something is doing. If someone is running, that's a verb. If someone is jumping, that's a verb too!

In Hungarian, verbs are a bit different from English verbs. One of the biggest differences is that Hungarian verbs have a lot of different forms depending on things like who is doing the action, when it's happening, and if it's happening right now or in the future.

For example, let's take the Hungarian verb "szeret", which means "to love". If I want to say "I love you" in Hungarian, I would say "Szeretlek". But if I wanted to say "you love me", I would say "Szeretsz engem". See how the endings of the verb are different depending on who is doing the action?

Another thing to keep in mind is that Hungarian verbs are split up into two parts: the stem and the suffix. The stem is the base word, and the suffix is added to show different meanings.

For example, let's take the verb "tanulni", which means "to study". The stem is "tanul", and we can add different suffixes to show different things. If we add "ok" to the end of the stem, we get "tanulok", which means "I study". But if we add "hatok" to the end of the stem, we get "tanulhatok", which means "I can study".

So, in summary, Hungarian verbs are words that tell us what someone or something is doing. They have different forms depending on who is doing the action, when it's happening, and if it's happening right now or in the future. And finally, Hungarian verbs are split up into two parts: the stem and the suffix, which are added together to show different meanings!