ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hunting sword

Imagine you are playing a game where you have to hunt animals. To do that, you need a special tool that can help you catch the animals. This special tool is called a hunting sword.

A hunting sword is a type of sword that is used for hunting animals. It is usually short and lightweight, making it easy to carry around while walking in the woods. You can use it to cut through branches and bushes that are blocking your path.

When you see an animal that you would like to hunt, you can use your hunting sword to catch it. You have to be careful not to hurt the animal too much, though. The point of the sword is very sharp, so you need to be very skilled to use it without hurting anything or anyone.

Hunting swords are also very important for people who want to catch fish. If you are fishing with a net, you can use your sword to cut through the net and free the fish that are caught inside.

So, in summary, a hunting sword is a special tool that you can use to catch animals and fish when you are hunting or fishing. It is important to be very careful with it, though, so that you don't hurt anything or anyone while you are using it.