ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hybrid balance

Hybrid balance is like when you want to play both of your favorite games but you only have one toy. So, what do you do? You mix both of them and make a new game. That's exactly what hybrid balance does - it mixes two different types of things to make something new and better.

In the case of hybrid balance, we mix two types of power sources: batteries and gasoline. Just like how you mix flour and sugar to make a cake, you mix batteries and gasoline to make a car that is super cool and efficient.

The battery makes the car go slow and the gasoline makes it go fast. When you combine both, the car becomes super powerful and can go both slow and fast. Just like how you make a new color by mixing two different colors, hybrid balance combines two different power sources to create a new and efficient way of travelling.

By using hybrid balance in cars, we can save money and use less fuel. Plus, it's better for the environment, just like when we recycle our toys to make new things. So, in essence, hybrid balance is a fancy way of saying let's take the best of both worlds and make something new, powerful and efficient.