ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hybrid car

A hybrid car is a special kind of car that uses both gas and electricity to run. Imagine a car with two hearts, one that runs on gas like normal and another that runs on electricity like a toy car.

When you start up the car, it uses the gas heart to get going, just like any other car you see on the road. But once you start going faster, the electricity heart kicks in to help out. The car can switch between using gas and electricity depending on what's needed to keep it running smoothly.

The really cool thing about hybrid cars is that they are really good at saving gas. Because they use electricity to help out, they don't have to use as much gas as normal cars. This means they are much better for the environment and you can save lots of money on gas!

Hybrid cars are also really quiet when they're using the electricity heart, so it's like driving a toy car!

So, a hybrid car is like a special kind of car that can switch between using gas and electricity, which makes them super good at saving gas and helping the environment!