ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hydraulics International, INC.

Hydraulics International, Inc. is a special company that creates hydraulic systems. This means they make things that use liquids (like water or oil) to make things move. You know how you need to push something really hard to make it move? Well, hydraulic systems make it easier to move things without needing so much strength!

Imagine that you want to lift a really heavy object, like a big bag of rocks. You might not be strong enough to lift it on your own, right? But with a hydraulic system, you could push a button or pull a lever and the liquid inside the system would help you lift the bag. It's like having a super-strong friend helping you!

Hydraulics International, Inc. makes hydraulic systems for all kinds of things, like airplanes, cars, and even buildings. Some of their systems help planes take off and land safely, while others make sure that buildings are sturdy and strong.

Overall, Hydraulics International, Inc. is a company that helps make our world a safer and easier place to live, by creating systems that help us lift heavy things and move them around with ease!