ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hypersensitive response

Hypersensitive response is when your body's defense system overreacts to things it thinks are harmful, even if they aren't really that harmful. It's like when you see a bug that you think is scary, so you start screaming and running away, even though the bug really isn't doing anything to harm you.

In plants, the hypersensitive response is triggered when the plant senses that there is an invader, like a virus or a bacteria, trying to harm it. The plant's defense system starts attacking the invader by releasing chemicals and sending cells to the area to fight off the invader. This can cause the plant to have a lot of damage to the area where the invader is located.

The hypersensitive response is actually a good thing because it helps protect the plant from getting even sicker. But just like how you don't want to scream and run away from every bug you see, it's important for the plant's defense system to not overreact to every little invader that comes along.