ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hypostasis (literature)

Hypostasis is kind of like having different versions of yourself that can exist in different things you write, like a character in a story or a poem.

Think of it like this: you're playing with your toys, and you have a toy puppy and a toy kitten. Even though they're both toys, they have their own personalities: the puppy is playful and silly, and the kitten is aloof and independent.

In literature, an author might create different versions of a character that exist in different stories or poems. Each version of the character might have their own personality, background, and experiences. This allows the author to explore different ideas or themes through the character, and also makes the character more interesting for readers.

So, hypostasis is like having different versions of a character that exist in different pieces of writing, kind of like having different toy animals with their own personalities.
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