ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hysteria (play)

Hysteria is a play about a famous doctor named Sigmund Freud who lived a long time ago. He was famous because he helped people who were not feeling very well in their minds. In the play, a lady named Jessica comes to see him because she is feeling very sad and scared.

Jessica thinks that she has a disease called hysteria. Hysteria is when someone's feelings are very strong and they cannot control them. They might get very upset or have strange feelings that they cannot explain.

Dr. Freud talks to Jessica and tries to figure out why she is feeling this way. He listens to her and asks her lots of questions to help her understand what is making her feel this way.

But something funny happens during the play. The doctor and Jessica start to have some silly and strange conversations. They talk about things that are not very serious and make them both laugh.

After a while, Jessica starts feeling much better. The doctor was able to help her feel less scared and less sad. She realized that her feelings were normal and that she was not the only one who felt this way.

In the end, everyone in the play learned something important. They learned that it is good to talk about your feelings and that sometimes, even the silliest things can make you feel better.